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rebutted (verb)

  • 1 rebutted

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. disproved (verb) belied; broke/broken; confounded; confuted; controverted; discredited; disproved; everted; refuted
    2. fended off (verb) fended off; held off; kept off; rebuffed; repelled; repulsed; staved off; warded off

    English-Russian base dictionary > rebutted

  • 2 discredited

    дискредитировать; дискредитированный
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. blew up/blown up (verb) blew up/blown up; debunked; disproved; exploded; punctured; shoot down; shot
    2. disbelieved (verb) disbelieved
    3. rebutted (verb) belied; confuted; rebutted; refuted
    4. shamed (verb) disgraced; dishonoured; shamed

    English-Russian base dictionary > discredited

  • 3 broke

    1. a преим. predic разг. разорённый, разорившийся

    dead broke — обанкротившийся, разорившийся в пух и прах

    2. a преим. predic воен. жарг. уволенный со службы
    3. a преим. predic объезженный
    4. v редк. заниматься маклерством
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. bankrupt (adj.) bankrupt; busted; destitute; impoverished; indebted; insolvent; out of money; ruined
    2. poor (adj.) beggared; dirt poor; flat; fortuneless; impecunious; indigent; low; necessitous; needy; penurious; poor; poverty-stricken; stone-broke; stony; strapped; unprosperous
    3. bankrupted (verb) bankrupted; impoverished; paupered
    4. cracked (verb) break down; cave in; cracked; snapped
    5. decoded (verb) deciphered; decoded; decrypted; puzzle out
    6. degraded (verb) bumped; degraded; demoted; downgraded; put down; reduced
    7. disproved (verb) confounded; confuted; controverted; disproved; everted; rebutted; refuted
    8. divorced (verb) detached; disjoined; divided; divorced; separated; severed; split
    9. emerged (verb) came out; come out; emerged; get out; got out; leaked; transpired
    10. escaped (verb) absconded; decamped; escaped; fled; flew
    11. failed (verb) busted; crashed; failed; folded
    12. gave (verb) bent; caved; collapsed; crumpled; gave; went; yielded
    13. gentled (verb) gentled; tamed
    14. happened (verb) befell; betided; came; came off; chanced; developed; did; fell out; happened; occurred; rose
    15. penetrated (verb) penetrated; perforated; pierced; punctured
    16. plowed (verb) plowed; plowed up; turned over
    17. recessed (verb) recessed
    18. ruined (verb) bankrupted; crushed; destroyed; folded up; impoverished; overwhelmed; pauperized; ruined; subdued
    19. smashed (verb) cleave; disjointed; fractured; shattered; shivered; smashed; splintered; sundered
    20. solved (verb) cleared up; dissolved; figured out; puzzled out; resolved; solved; unfolded; unraveled
    21. stopped (verb) give up; leave off; stopped
    22. told (verb) carried; communicated; conveyed; disclosed; get across; imparted; passed; passed on; reported; told; transmitted
    23. turned (verb) ploughed; turn over; turned
    24. violated (verb) breached; contravened; infringed; offended; transgressed; violated

    English-Russian base dictionary > broke

  • 4 broken

    1. a сломанный; разбитый
    2. a подорванный, ослабленный
    3. a сломленный, сокрушённый

    his spirit was broken and nothing could retrieve it — дух его был сломлен, и он уже не мог оправиться

    4. a разорённый, разорившийся
    5. a ломаный
    6. a несвязный; прерывистый
    7. a неровный; бугристый
    8. a нарушенный

    broken rank — нарушал строй; нарушенный строй

    9. a не сплошной, фрагментарный
    10. a с просветами

    broken sleep — сон урывками; тревожный сон

    11. a выезженный

    неустойчивый, переменный

    12. a нечистый, с примесью
    13. a воен. пониженный в чине
    14. a муз. арпеджированный
    15. a фон. дифтонгизированный

    broken money — мелкие деньги, мелочь

    broken bread — остатки пищи, объедки

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. defective (adj.) busted; defective; gone haywire; haywire; inoperable; not of working order; on the blink; out of order; screwed up
    2. flawed (adj.) flawed; imperfect; incoherent; mumbled; muttered; pidgin; ungrammatical; unintelligible
    3. intermittent (adj.) disconnected; erratic; intermittent; interrupted; irregular; spasmodic
    4. smashed (adj.) burst; collapsed; cracked; crushed; damaged; dismembered; shattered; smashed; split
    5. violated (adj.) abandoned; betrayed; dishonored; dishonoured; disregarded; ignored; retracted; transgressed; violated
    6. bankrupted (verb) bankrupted; impoverished; paupered
    7. cracked (verb) break down; cave in; cracked; snapped
    8. decoded (verb) deciphered; decoded; decrypted; puzzle out
    9. degraded (verb) bumped; degraded; demoted; downgraded; put down; reduced
    10. disproved (verb) confounded; confuted; controverted; disproved; everted; rebutted; refuted
    11. divorced (verb) detached; disjoined; divided; divorced; separated; severed; split
    12. emerged (verb) come out; emerged; get out; got out or gotten out; leaked; transpired
    13. escaped (verb) absconded; decamped; escaped; fled; flown
    14. failed (verb) busted; crashed; failed; folded
    15. gentled (verb) gentled; tamed
    16. given (verb) bent; caved; collapsed; crumpled; given; gone; yielded
    17. happened (verb) befallen; betided; chanced; come; come off; developed; done; fallen out; happened; occurred; risen
    18. penetrated (verb) penetrated; perforated; pierced; punctured
    19. plowed (verb) plowed; plowed up; turned over
    20. recessed (verb) recessed
    21. ruined (verb) bankrupted; crushed; destroyed; folded up; impoverished; overwhelmed; pauperized; ruined; subdued
    22. smashed (verb) cleave; disjointed; fractured; shattered; shivered; smashed; splintered; sundered
    23. solved (verb) cleared up; dissolved; figured out; puzzled out; resolved; solved; unfolded; unraveled
    24. stopped (verb) give up; leave off; stopped
    25. told (verb) carried; communicated; conveyed; disclosed; get across; imparted; passed; passed on; reported; told; transmitted
    26. turned (verb) ploughed; turn over; turned
    27. violated (verb) breached; contravened; infringed; offended; transgressed; violated

    English-Russian base dictionary > broken

  • 5 confounded

    1. a смущённый, сбитый с толку; поражённый
    2. a эмоц. -усил. отъявленный
    3. a эмоц. -усил. проклятый
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. aghast (adj.) agape; aghast; dismayed; dumbfounded; overwhelmed; shocked; thunderstruck
    2. confused (adj.) baffled; bewildered; confused; doubtful; dumfounded; mystified; nonplussed
    3. embarrassed (adj.) abashed; chagrined; disconcerted; embarrassed; mortified; put-out
    4. utter (adj.) absolute; accursed; all-fired; arrant; black; blamed; blank; blankety-blank; blasted; bleeding; blessed; blighted; blinding; blithering; blue; complete; consummate; crashing; cursed; cussed; dad-blamed; dad-blasted; dad-burned; damn; damnable; damned; dang; darn; dashed; deuced; doggone; double-distilled; double-dyed; dratted; durn; execrable; goldarn; infernal; perishing; so-and-so; utter
    5. discomforted (verb) abashed; chagrined; discomfited; discomforted; disconcerted; discountenanced; embarrassed; fazed; mortified; put out; rattled
    6. disproved (verb) broke/broken; confuted; controverted; disproved; everted; rebutted; refuted
    7. mistook/mistaken (verb) confused; mistook/mistaken; mixed; mixed up
    8. puzzled (verb) befogged; bewildered; perplexed; posed; puzzled; stumbled
    9. stumped (verb) baffled; confounded; nonplussed; stumped
    10. threw (verb) addled; befuddled; dizzied; fuddled; mistaken; mix up; threw

    English-Russian base dictionary > confounded

  • 6 rebut

    1 refutar
    rebut [ri'bʌt] vt, - butted ; - butting : rebatir, refutar
    rebatir v.
    refutar v.
    transitive verb - tt- (frml) rebatir, refutar
    VT rebatir, impugnar
    * * *
    transitive verb - tt- (frml) rebatir, refutar

    English-spanish dictionary > rebut

  • 7 disproved

    опровергать; опровергнутый
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. broke/broken (verb) belied; broke/broken; confounded; confuted; controverted; everted; rebutted; refuted
    2. discredited (verb) blew up/blown up; discredited; exploded; punctured; shot

    English-Russian base dictionary > disproved

  • 8 К-50

    КАМНЯ НА КАМНЕ HE ОСТАВЛЯТЬ/НЕ ОСТАВИТЬ (HE ОСТАЁТСЯ/НЕ ОСТАЛОСЬ) от чего lit, rhet VP (1st var.), VP subj/ gen (2nd var.) more often pfv past the verb may take the initial position)
    1. (subj: human or collect (1st var.)) to destroy sth. (or sth. is destroyed) totally, mercilessly
    X камня на камне не оставил от Y-a - X did not leave (X left not) one stone standing (upon another)
    X razed Y to the ground
    or Y-a камня на камне не осталось - not one stone was left standing (upon another)
    no stone was left standing there was not one stone left upon another Y was razed to the ground.
    Целый день преследовали маленькие негодяи злосчастную вдову... покуда она не пришла в исступление и не начала прорицать. Смысл этих прорицаний объяснился лишь впоследствии, когда в Глупов прибыл Угрюм-Бурчеев и не оставил в городе камня на камне (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). The little rascals pursued the ill-fated widow for a whole day...until at last she went into a frenzy and began to prophesy. The meaning of her prophecies became clear only later, when Gloom-Grumblev arrived in Foolov and razed it to the ground (1a).
    Приходит еврей к раввину и спрашивает: «Ребе, ты мудрый человек, скажи: будет война или не будет?» - «Войны не будет, - отвечает ребе, - но будет такая борьба за мир, что камня на камне не останется» (Буковский 1).... A Jew goes to his rabbi and asks: "Rabbi, you are a very wise man. Tell me, is there going to be a war or not?" 'There will be no war," replies the rabbi, ubut there will be such a struggle for peace that no stone will be left standing" (1a).
    После недолгих колебаний он решил так: сначала разрушить город, а потом уже приступить и к реке... Через полтора или два месяца не оставалось уже камня на камне (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). After brief vacillation he decided: destroy the town first, and then start on the river....After a month or two there was not one stone left upon another (1a).
    2. (subj: human or abstr (1st var.)) to disprove, rebut sth. (or sth. is disproved, rebutted) thoroughly, unequivocally
    X камня на камне не оставил от Y-a - X left nothing of Y
    X tore (cut) Y to pieces
    от Y-a камня на камне не осталось -nothing was left of Y
    Y was torn (cut) to pieces.
    Всё попало под удар переменных измерений, под губительные лучи той теории относительности, что вдохновила нашего пастора на дерзкую вивисекцию и не оставила камня на камне от подопытного кролика... (Терц 3). Everything was exposed to these variable dimensions, to the fatal rays of a relativity theory which inspired the good Dean to a vivisection so daring that nothing was left of his guinea-pig...(3a).
    From the Bible (Matt. 24:2, Mark 13:2).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-50

  • 9 камня на камне не оставить

    [VP (1st var.), VPsubj/ gen (2nd var.); more often pfv past; the verb may take the initial position]
    1. [subj: human or collect (1st var.)]
    to destroy sth. (or sth. is destroyed) totally, mercilessly:
    - X камня на камне не оставил от Y-a - X did not leave (X left not) one stone standing (upon another);
    - Y was razed to the ground.
         ♦ Целый день преследовали маленькие негодяи злосчастную вдову... покуда она не пришла в исступление и не начала прорицать. Смысл этих прорицаний объяснился лишь впоследствии, когда в Глупов прибыл Угрюм-Бурчеев и не оставил в городе камня на камне (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). The little rascals pursued the ill-fated widow for a whole day...until at last she went into a frenzy and began to prophesy. The meaning of her prophecies became clear only later, when Gloom-Grumblev arrived in Foolov and razed it to the ground (1a).
         ♦ Приходит еврей к раввину и спрашивает: "Ребе, ты мудрый человек, скажи: будет война или не будет?" - "Войны не будет, - отвечает ребе, - но будет такая борьба за мир, что камня на камне не останется" (Буковский 1).... A Jew goes to his rabbi and asks: "Rabbi, you are a very wise man. Tell me, is there going to be a war or not?" 'There will be no war," replies the rabbi, "but there will be such a struggle for peace that no stone will be left standing" (1a).
         ♦ После недолгих колебаний он решил так: сначала разрушить город, а потом уже приступить и к реке... Через полтора или два месяца не оставалось уже камня на камне (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). After brief vacillation he decided: destroy the town first, and then start on the river....After a month or two there was not one stone left upon another (1a).
    2. [subj: human or abstr (1st var.)]
    to disprove, rebut sth. (or sth. is disproved, rebutted) thoroughly, unequivocally:
    - Y was torn (cut) to pieces.
         ♦ Всё попало под удар переменных измерений, под губительные лучи той теории относительности, что вдохновила нашего пастора на дерзкую вивисекцию и не оставила камня на камне от подопытного кролика... (Терц 3). Everything was exposed to these variable dimensions, to the fatal rays of a relativity theory which inspired the good Dean to a vivisection so daring that nothing was left of his guinea-pig...(3a).
    ← From the Bible (Matt. 24:2, Mark 13:2).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > камня на камне не оставить

  • 10 камня на камне не оставлять

    [VP (1st var.), VPsubj/ gen (2nd var.); more often pfv past; the verb may take the initial position]
    1. [subj: human or collect (1st var.)]
    to destroy sth. (or sth. is destroyed) totally, mercilessly:
    - X камня на камне не оставил от Y-a - X did not leave (X left not) one stone standing (upon another);
    - Y was razed to the ground.
         ♦ Целый день преследовали маленькие негодяи злосчастную вдову... покуда она не пришла в исступление и не начала прорицать. Смысл этих прорицаний объяснился лишь впоследствии, когда в Глупов прибыл Угрюм-Бурчеев и не оставил в городе камня на камне (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). The little rascals pursued the ill-fated widow for a whole day...until at last she went into a frenzy and began to prophesy. The meaning of her prophecies became clear only later, when Gloom-Grumblev arrived in Foolov and razed it to the ground (1a).
         ♦ Приходит еврей к раввину и спрашивает: "Ребе, ты мудрый человек, скажи: будет война или не будет?" - "Войны не будет, - отвечает ребе, - но будет такая борьба за мир, что камня на камне не останется" (Буковский 1).... A Jew goes to his rabbi and asks: "Rabbi, you are a very wise man. Tell me, is there going to be a war or not?" 'There will be no war," replies the rabbi, "but there will be such a struggle for peace that no stone will be left standing" (1a).
         ♦ После недолгих колебаний он решил так: сначала разрушить город, а потом уже приступить и к реке... Через полтора или два месяца не оставалось уже камня на камне (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). After brief vacillation he decided: destroy the town first, and then start on the river....After a month or two there was not one stone left upon another (1a).
    2. [subj: human or abstr (1st var.)]
    to disprove, rebut sth. (or sth. is disproved, rebutted) thoroughly, unequivocally:
    - Y was torn (cut) to pieces.
         ♦ Всё попало под удар переменных измерений, под губительные лучи той теории относительности, что вдохновила нашего пастора на дерзкую вивисекцию и не оставила камня на камне от подопытного кролика... (Терц 3). Everything was exposed to these variable dimensions, to the fatal rays of a relativity theory which inspired the good Dean to a vivisection so daring that nothing was left of his guinea-pig...(3a).
    ← From the Bible (Matt. 24:2, Mark 13:2).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > камня на камне не оставлять

  • 11 камня на камне не осталось

    [VP (1st var.), VPsubj/ gen (2nd var.); more often pfv past; the verb may take the initial position]
    1. [subj: human or collect (1st var.)]
    to destroy sth. (or sth. is destroyed) totally, mercilessly:
    - X камня на камне не оставил от Y-a - X did not leave (X left not) one stone standing (upon another);
    - Y was razed to the ground.
         ♦ Целый день преследовали маленькие негодяи злосчастную вдову... покуда она не пришла в исступление и не начала прорицать. Смысл этих прорицаний объяснился лишь впоследствии, когда в Глупов прибыл Угрюм-Бурчеев и не оставил в городе камня на камне (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). The little rascals pursued the ill-fated widow for a whole day...until at last she went into a frenzy and began to prophesy. The meaning of her prophecies became clear only later, when Gloom-Grumblev arrived in Foolov and razed it to the ground (1a).
         ♦ Приходит еврей к раввину и спрашивает: "Ребе, ты мудрый человек, скажи: будет война или не будет?" - "Войны не будет, - отвечает ребе, - но будет такая борьба за мир, что камня на камне не останется" (Буковский 1).... A Jew goes to his rabbi and asks: "Rabbi, you are a very wise man. Tell me, is there going to be a war or not?" 'There will be no war," replies the rabbi, "but there will be such a struggle for peace that no stone will be left standing" (1a).
         ♦ После недолгих колебаний он решил так: сначала разрушить город, а потом уже приступить и к реке... Через полтора или два месяца не оставалось уже камня на камне (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). After brief vacillation he decided: destroy the town first, and then start on the river....After a month or two there was not one stone left upon another (1a).
    2. [subj: human or abstr (1st var.)]
    to disprove, rebut sth. (or sth. is disproved, rebutted) thoroughly, unequivocally:
    - Y was torn (cut) to pieces.
         ♦ Всё попало под удар переменных измерений, под губительные лучи той теории относительности, что вдохновила нашего пастора на дерзкую вивисекцию и не оставила камня на камне от подопытного кролика... (Терц 3). Everything was exposed to these variable dimensions, to the fatal rays of a relativity theory which inspired the good Dean to a vivisection so daring that nothing was left of his guinea-pig...(3a).
    ← From the Bible (Matt. 24:2, Mark 13:2).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > камня на камне не осталось

  • 12 rebut

    rebut [rɪ'bʌt] (pt & pp rebutted, cont rebutting)

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > rebut

См. также в других словарях:

  • rebut — [[t]rɪbʌ̱t[/t]] rebuts, rebutting, rebutted VERB If you rebut a charge or criticism that is made against you, you give reasons why it is untrue or unacceptable. [FORMAL] [V n] He spent most of his speech rebutting criticisms of his foreign policy …   English dictionary

  • rebut — verb (rebutted; rebutting) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French reboter, from re + boter to butt more at butt Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to drive or beat back ; repel 2. a. to contradict or oppose by formal legal …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • rebut — verb rebutted, rebutting (T) formal to prove that a statement or a charge made against you is false; refute rebuttal noun (C) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • rebut — re‧but [rɪˈbʌt] verb rebutted PTandPPX rebutting PRESPARTX [transitive] formal to prove that a statement or a charge made against you is false: • This clause could be used to rebut the suggestion made by the landlord s insurers. rebuttal …   Financial and business terms

  • rebut — UK [rɪˈbʌt] / US verb [transitive] Word forms rebut : present tense I/you/we/they rebut he/she/it rebuts present participle rebutting past tense rebutted past participle rebutted formal to show or say that something is not true …   English dictionary

  • evidence — ev·i·dence 1 / e və dəns, ˌdens/ n [Medieval Latin evidentia, from Latin, that which is obvious, from evident evidens clear, obvious, from e out of, from + videns, present participle of videre to see]: something that furnishes or tends to furnish …   Law dictionary

  • rebut — /rəˈbʌt / (say ruh but) verb (t) (rebutted, rebutting) 1. to refute by evidence or argument. 2. to oppose by contrary proof. {Middle English rebute(n), from Anglo French reboter, from re re + boter butt3 (verb) –rebuttable, adjective …  

  • JOB, BOOK OF — (named for its hero (Heb. אִיּוֹב), ancient South Arabian and Thamudic yʾb; Old Babylonian Ayyābum, Tell el Amarna tablet, no. 256, line 6, A ia ab; either from yʾb, to bear ill will or compounded of ay where? and ʾab (divine) father ), one of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • List of studies on Neuro-linguistic programming — (NLP) summarizes the many studies that have been performed relevant to NLP, since the early 1980s. These tend to be of three types: studies, metastudies, and research in related fields (notably cognitive science and neuroscience). A fourth kind… …   Wikipedia

  • Oriundo — Oriundi redirects here. For the 1999 film starring Anthony Quinn, see Oriundi (film). The term oriundo is an Italian and Spanish noun describing an immigrant of native ancestry. It comes from the Latin verb oriri (orior), be born , and is related …   Wikipedia

  • Valla, Lorenzo — born 1407, Rome, Papal States died Aug. 1, 1457, Rome Italian humanist, philosopher, and literary critic. Unable to find a post as a papal secretary, Valla left Rome in 1430 and spent five years traveling in northern Italy. He was royal secretary …   Universalium

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